Friday 12 December 2014


Follow up detailed essay plan interviews will take place during the week beginning Monday 15 December

Mod 1 - 9.00 Friday 19 December
Mod 2 - 9.00 Thursday 18 December
Mod 6 - 9.00 Tuesday 16 December

I've been really pleased with the detailed essay plans I've seen during the interviews. And in most cases I've recommended that students that have completed these should go ahead and begin writing the essay. For these students it may be that they will finish their first draft essay in the last week of term.

However I've been disappointed with the amount of essay plans that have been completed. Writing a detailed essay plan usually takes between 4 - 8 hours to produce. Writing a plan is essential in producing a good coursework essay. Without a plan you are restricting your chances of getting a good grade in this unit.

And remember that the coursework is equal to 20% of your whole A Level grade. 

Click here for a link to an earlier post that explains how to write a detailed plan. Click here to see a pair of analytical comparative paragraphs.

There are other resources availaible to you if you need further help:
  • Re-read the coursework guide given out at the beginning of the year. This contains a glossary and example paragraphs as well as good advice.
  • Buy or borrow from the library a copy of the AQA A2 English Language and Literature A course book, published by Nelson Thornes.  Here is a link.