Tuesday 9 October 2012

Cupcakes - The Making History Cluster

We are going to be studying the articles from Cupcakes under small clusters of articles under specific headings. Over the next two weeks we'll be focusing on the topic Making History. The articles under this heading are:

Report from the Spanish Civil War

On Surviving the London Blitz

Report on the Fall of the Berlin Wall

The Arafat I Knew

By next Monday's lesson you will need to have read and annotated the three articles we've not looked at in class. 

Remeber you should be able to identify the audience, purpose and genre. Select key peices of information from each paragraph in the articles and in the margin or in your notes jot down in your own words the points being made in the article. You are identifying key facts, feelings and episodes from each article.

In Monday's lesson we will be focussing on Report from the Spanish Civil War and On Surviving the London Blitz.

As well as reading and annotating the articles you should undertake some relevant research into these two events.