Tuesday 9 October 2012

Homework - A Speech on the London Blitz

Here is the homework for the article 'On Surviving the London Blitz' by Helena Kirkpatrick.

I have written the question out in exactly the way it will be presented in the exam. The words written in bold and inside the brackets are specific to the particular exam and therefore change every January and June exam cycle. 

At this point in the course you should expect to spend 1 hour and 30 minutes on this homework in one sitting.

I think you should spend 30 minutes planning the recast task and the commentary before you write. You should hand in your plan with your homework. I expect the plan will be a list of points you will include in your speech and identify the logical order you will write them in. I also expect that you will have jotted down some words or phrases that you are going to include and expect to comment on in your commentary. 

I expect that you will spend an hour on the two questions that follow.You should spend 40 minutes planning and writing the recast text and twenty minutes writing the commentary.

This work is due in on Wednesday 24 October at 10.15

Cupcakes and Kalashnikovs Eleanor Mills (Ed.)


Read the source material which follows and answer both questions:

Text A is an article entitled [On Surviving the London Blitz] by [Helen Kirkpatrick]
It was first published in the [Chicago Daily News]

You are [a journalist working in London during the blitz. On a visit home to the US you have been asked by friends to  give a short speech at a local meeting called to discuss how the people of Chicargo can best support those living in London. You have been asked to give a short speech describing what it was like on the night of the 8th September. ]

Using the source material, write the [text of the speech]
Your audience will consist of [men and women of all ages]
You should adapt the source material, using your own words as far as possible. Your [speech]
should be approximately 300 – 400 words in length.

In your adaptation you should:

• use language appropriately to address purpose and audience

• write accurately and coherently, applying relevant ideas and concepts.

(25 marks)


Question 3

Write a commentary which explains the choices you made when writing your [speech]
commenting on the following:

• how language and form have been used to suit audience and purpose

• how vocabulary and other stylistic features have been used to shape meaning and
achieve particular effects.

You should aim to write about 150 – 250 words in this commentary.

(15 marks)