Monday 13 April 2015


Read the source material which follows and answer both questions:

Text A is from an article entitled [The Arafat I Knew]by [Marie Colvin]
It was first published in the [Sunday Times in 2004].

Using the section of the article on page 156 beginning, ‘He loved his baby daughter…’ to ‘…his trademark green pen’ on page 158

You [have been asked to contribute to a broadcast obituary of Yasser Arafat for the programme Last Words on Radio 4. You have been asked specifically to write the section after Arafat's return from exile in Tunis to his return to  Gaza and the West Bank.]

You should adapt the source material, using your own words as far as possible. Your [broadcast obituary] should be approximately 300 – 400 words in length.

In your adaptation you should:

 • use language appropriately to address purpose and audience

 • write accurately and coherently, applying relevant ideas and concepts.

 (25 marks)


Question 3

Write a commentary which explains the choices you made when writing your obituary
commenting on the following:

• how language and form have been used to suit audience and purpose

• how vocabulary and other stylistic features have been used to shape meaning and
achieve particular effects.

You should aim to write about 150 – 250 words in this commentary.

(15 marks)