Tuesday 12 January 2021

Diary Writing Exercise

 Writing – Year 7 – Diary Entry. 


Imagine you are a refugee who has just escaped from a war-torn country.  You have arrived at a refugee camp after a long, arduous journey, and you now live in a makeshift tent, with very little food and medical workshops.  Write a diary entry for your first day at the camp. 


Think about: 

·         what the camp looks like,  

·        what the people are like,  

·        what your first impressions are 

·        whether it is better or worse than your usual standard of living. 


Remember a diary entry starts with the date and sometimes... 


Dear Diary, 



Then you write your main piece about your day. 

You can close however you like – with your name and a goodbye. 


Remember to use your best spelling, grammar and punctuation.