Monday 16 December 2013


The play redefines sex. It elevates sex to the highest expression of what it is to be human. This definition of sex is in strong contrast to the two extreme views of sex presented by Alan's parents. For example, Dora's moral sex - a gift of God given to a husband and wife exclusively. And Frank's physical, shameful and voyeuristic sexual experience at the cinema. These two views of sex represent the contemporary way in which sex is perceived in society.

Alan presents another extreme. Sex as the meaning and purpose to life. He does not think this thought, he feels it. The intense pleasure he felt on Trojan at the beach was so strong he wants to live to experience that same pleasure again and again. He is prepared to sacrifice everything for that experience.

For Alan he is trying to recreate the intense pleasure he experienced on top of the horse on the beach. I think this experience took place before he began to masturbate. As a result the impact of this experience was so profound it affected hi sexual development, his expectations and attitudes and assumptions around sex. His father never spoke to Alan about sex. His mother told him a very one sided biased view of what sex is.

One key aspect of Alan's desire is based on self sacrifice. It is the horses willing subservience and suffering that Alan finds so exciting - we would call it erotic but it barely describes what he is experiencing. This willing self sacrifice is linked to Christ and is evidence of LOVE. Jesus love for humanity and the horse's service to humanity is evidence of love.

In this essay your task is to focus on comparing and contrasting abstract concepts between Equus and Spies. You are not required to analyse quotations in the same way as you have be doing for the 1000 word coursework essay. Although some marks are allocated to this analysis in this essay. Quotes should be used as evidence for the different ways themes are presented in the texts. The majority of marks are allocated to this treatment of the text.