Thursday 24 March 2016


Next term we will be covering the following articles probably in the order listed below. Please make sure you have read the articles, made notes - using your own words - on the main points in each article and consider the possible re-cast questions that the examiners might ask. Finally read the questions and posts linked to these articles on the blog.

Week beginning 11 April

Jacqueline Kennedy page 320
Everybody Wins and all Must Have Prizes page 148

For the group I share with Stephen these articles will be discussed  in the week beginning 2 May - Friday 6 May.

Week beginning 18 April

'What Became of the Flappers' page 313
Bridget Jones's Diary page 300

Week beginning 25 April

The English Aristocracy page 114
Report on the Fall of the Berlin Wall page 125

Homework for the Easter holiday is also to complete at least one recast task and commentary covering the articles we've discussed in class since my return under timed conditions - one hour.

The deadline is either Thursday 14 April - for the group I share with Brian
or Friday 15 April - for the group I share with Stephen