Tuesday 20 March 2012

IB Unseen Commentary Exam Preparation

In the exam you should spend 20 – 30 minutes reading and annotating the text and plan your answer
First you must choose which question to answer
·         Do you feel more confident with one genre rather than another?
·         Read the introductions to the two texts - is one more appealing?
·         Read the guide questions – which questions appeal to you?
·         Read the opening paragraph or stanza – which text appeals to you?
Make a decision
Then you must read the text at least twice
In the first reading you should
·         Identify the main stages of the plot
·         Identify the structure of the text
·         Comment on the narrative voice
·         Observe and note the setting
·         Comment on the character[s]
·         What is the main theme of the text?
·         What different writing styles can you identify?
·         What main writing techniques can you identify?

Second reading
·         Choose relevant quotations to support the features you’ve identified in the first reading
·         Jot down literary techniques and the effect on readers

Bullet point plan
Relax! You don’t have to think of anything new to write. It’s time to focus on communicating your ideas clearly and simply.
This is really important! Make a list of key topic sentences. Each item on the list represents a paragraph.  Next to each item identify the quote you are going to use for that point. When you have your list then put them in order. Put the most important point you want to make first of all.