Thursday 14 March 2013


Below are the arrangements we've made for the reading week 18 - 22 March and the presentation schedule we agreed in class for the 25 - 28 March.

Thursday's lesson on the 21st March we will use to finalise arrangements for the presentations in the following week.

You will use the reading week lessons to prepare your 10 minute formal presentation.

Presentations Schedule

*Monday 25 March **8.45 1D7 - Verity, Laura, Caroline

Tuesday 26 March 12.35 1D7 - Tristan, Julian, Adrian

Tuesday 26 March 3.10 1D7 - Riya, Helena, Jasmine, Laural

*Thursday 28 March 12.35 1D7 - Gaby, Anna, Karishma, Tess

*Only students doing their presentations need to attend these lessons.

**Aim to arrive 15 minutes early to ensure we complete these presentations in time.

If you have any questions or problems you can email me at the college or come and see me in room 1D11.