Thursday 14 March 2013



Over the reading week you must prepare a 10 minute presentation on one of the text's we've studied for this part of the course. You can choose to do a presentation on any poem - from Tales From Ovid by Ted Hughes, the novel Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys or a short story from Dubliners by James Joyce. You can choose a poem, secton of the novel or short story we have already studied or you can choose one or a section we have not looked at together. You can also do a presentation on a topic or feature that spans more than one text.

You can do your presentation on any topic or feature of the text of your choice.

It is important that each student does a presentation on a different topic or feature.

The presentations will take place in the week beginning Monday 25 March during class time and probably in two twilight sessions - 4.10 - 5.00.

Here are some example presentations to help you decide on a subject:

Explore the presentation of the God's in Acteon. - topic

How does Joyce present setting in Araby? - feature

In what ways is the topic of colonialism examined in Wide Sargasso Sea? - topic

What different poetic techniques does Hughe's employ and to what effect in Tales From Ovid? - feature

Explore the presentation of childhood in Dubliners. - topic

How does Rhys present the local population in the fire at Colibre episode in Wide Sargasso Sea? - feature