Tuesday, 21 May 2013



Below is a table that includes a complete list of formats from the board. I have tried to be as specific and detailed as possible. However it is difficult being prescriptive about such an exercise.

Over 90% of content must come from the source material.

Less than 10% should be made up material. New information must only be used to adapt the source text to the recast format, purpose, register and task.

·         Variety of syntax / grammar – short simple, compound and complex/ declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative
·         Lexis should link to register
·         Avoid literary features except for making very powerful points. Use rhetoric if persuasive
·         Expect personal /formal register
·         Could be persuasive / informative /entertaining / instructional purpose
·         Could be general / specific group / named audience
Article –
·         Formal – full range of syntax, simple, compound, complex – for broadsheet – simple, compound sentences for tabloid – both dominated by declaratives
·         Lexis appropriate to format tabloid / broadsheet – inclusive lexis
·         May include interview, short quotes from experts
·         Will be generally formal / tabloid / journalese register
·         Will be informative / entertaining / could be persuasive purpose
·         Could be general adult, student, specific audience
Encyclopaedia Entry
·         Define term
·         Dominated by declaratives
·         Expect specific readership e.g. children
·         Lexis inclusive – technical terms explained
·         Grammar / syntax – formal  
·         Will be formal register
·         Will be informative / entertaining / instructional purpose
·         Expect  a  general / specific audience
Radio Script
Radio scripts are not transcripts of spontaneous speech. They are highly crafted texts. Therefore I would not expect to find elements of spontaneous speech in them.
There will be a presenter- used to introduce the main topic of the ‘article’ or slot. And may also introduce a second guest speaker.
The simplest structure to me seems to be a presenter acting as a questioner – these should be short open questions and a speaker giving detailed full answers. Most of the content will be incorporated in these answers.
·         Probably two contrasting speakers - variety
·         Syntax probably dominated by simple declarative / interrogative sentences but not exclusively
·         Lexis will be simple and inclusive – define technical terms used
·         Probably present a thesis and counter argument
·         Will be conceptual – visual references will be minimal but concisely explained
·         Will  be generally formal / tabloid /journalese register
·         Will be informative / entertaining / could be persuasive
·         Expect be general adult, student, specific audience
Presenter: Today we continue our series on women in politics. And here in the studio today we have Caroline Spelman a Conservative minister to tell us about her experiences.
Hello Caroline. So how did it feel the first day you took your seat in the Commons?
Caroline Spelman: Hello Judy well it was an incredible first day really….

TV Script
·         Probably two contrasting speakers - variety
·         Syntax probably dominated by simple declaratives / interrogatives
·         Lexis will be simple and inclusive - define technical terms used
·         Probably present a thesis and counter argument
·         Expect mixture of conceptual / visual references
·         Script will include concise visual aural details
·         Maybe used to introduce a topic
·         Will be generally formal register / tabloid /journalese
·         Expect an informative / entertaining /  persuasive purpose
·         Will be general adult, student, specific audience
·         Putting forward the attitudes, beliefs of the publication – newspaper / magazine – specific or general
·         Will include an argument and counter argument
·         Will use rhetorical devices
·         Probably a call to action
·         Probably persuasive / opinionated, subjective purpose
·         Probably a general / specific audience
·         Formal / mixed register
·         Personal writing / extended diary may be journal
·         Probably simple lexis, may contain non standard grammar,
·         Informal register – may use short hand
·         Audience is personal
·         Probably to inform / entertain / advise /instruct / reflection purpose
·         Direct address
·         Short simple sentences
·         May use imagery
·         Probably a range of rhetorical devices
·         Informative / persuasive / entertaining
·         Specific / general audience
·         Generally formal register
·         Will use headings and sub-headings
·         Probably will use a variety of narratives including case study, statistics, bullet points, Q&A, anecdote
·         Probably use persuasive writing and include a number of rhetorical features
·         Maybe general / specific audience
·         Probably highlight a specific problem or area of concern
·         Formal register used, inclusive writing
·         Factual, structured, logical and rational writing
·         Will use headings and subheadings
·         Usually addresses specific problem, offers findings and possible solutions,
·         may call for specific action
·         Formal register