Friday 3 May 2013



9.00        1D7

A2 English Language and Literature – whole group

Please pass on my apologies. There is a ELLA 3 question paper. You should do it under timed conditions and hand it in on Tuesday. Please remember there is a timed Cupcakes question to do on Tuesday. The article is named on the blog.

10.15     1D7

A2 Literature

Please pass on my apologies. You should read the Epilogue of The Rival. Please continue to work on the worksheet given out last week.

There will be two mock exams taking place the week before we break up for half term. Holly and Chrissy will talk about it with you.

12.35     1D7

A2 English Language and Literature

Please pass on my apologies. You should complete the 3 way comparison under timed conditions and hand it in on Wednesday.

1.50        1D7

IB English 1st Year

Please pass on my apologies. You should discuss the section on chapter 6 of Gatsby – the visit of Tom to Gatsby’s. You should read and discuss Gatsby’s party in chapter 6. Compare it to chapter 3. You should be reading the handout on commentaries.

3.05        1D7

AS English Literature

Please pass on my apologies. You should read through and add notes to the worksheets I gave out yesterday. There are two timed questions we will do next week -Wednesday Dickinson and Thursday Bronte.