Tuesday 16 April 2013


Radio Scripts - some basic points

Radio scripts are not transcripts of spontaneous speech. They are highly crafted texts. Therefore I would not expect to find elements of spontaneous speech in them.

There will be a presenter- used to introduce the main topic of the ‘article’ or slot. And may also introduce a second guest speaker.

The simplest structure to me seems to be a presenter acting as a questioner – these should be short open questions and a speaker giving detailed full answers. Most of the content will be incorporated in these answers.

·         Probably two contrasting speakers - variety

·         Syntax probably dominated by simple declarative / interrogative sentences but not exclusively

·         Lexis will be simple and inclusive – define technical terms used

·         Probably present a thesis and counter argument

·         Will be conceptual – visual references will be minimal but concisely explained

·         Will be generally formal / tabloid /journalese register

·         Will be informative / entertaining / could be persuasive

·         Expect be general adult, student, specific audience

AUDIENCE – Listening – general audience

PURPOSE – to inform – to persuade – to entertain

REGISTER – will depend on task but essentially if one speaker use neutral/formal register, if a number of speakers use a variety of registers


• Use of sound effects

• Different voices – male female – young old – neutral /regional accent / - use spoken language phonetic techniques [rhyme, alliteration, assonance, onomatopoeia, repetition]

• Tone of voice

• Shorter simple sentences

• Use of contrast – different points of vie

A Brief Example
Presenter: Today we continue our series on women in politics. And here in the studio today we have Caroline Spelman a Conservative minister to tell us about her experiences. 
Hello Caroline. So how did it feel the first day you took your seat in the Commons?

Caroline Spelman: Hello Judy well it was an incredible first day really. As I walked to my office Margaret Thatcher popped in to wish me well. She had been an inspiration to me when I first became interested in politics.

Presenter: So what was so inspiring about Margaret Thatcher?

Caroline Spelman:

The above brief extract of a script is completely made up and bares no relation to any article in Cupcakes.